Oil Doesn't Moisturize Your Hair

Somewhere between social media and talking to unlicensed hairstylist we picked up the myth that oil moisturizes our hair. Oil, in fact, doesn't moisturize our hair yet it adds shine.
Did you know our scalp naturally produces oil called sebum? When your scalp doesn't produce enough sebum to moisturize your hair, you get dry hair.
Dry hair can be a result of:
- Dry scalp. Your hair has no natural lubrication. It relies on oils made in its roots to keep it moisturized. Since the roots are under your skin, dry scalp goes along with dry hair. Dry scalp peels and sheds, leading to dandruff flakes on your shoulders.
- Age. As you get older, your hair makes less oil. Hormone changes after menopause can also lead to dry hair.
- Environmental conditions. These include a dry, hot climate, frequent sun and wind exposure, and frequent exposure to chlorinated or salty water.
- Lack of protection. Each strand of healthy hair has a protective layer called the cuticle. Just as shingles shield your home from rain and sun damage, the cuticle protects your hair from heat and sun damage. In a healthy cuticle, the layers lie tightly together and keep moisture in. When a cuticle’s layers separate and peel away from hair, it can’t hold moisture and some oil escapes.
What are some home remedies?
- Wash your hair less often. Talk with a licensed hair professional to find a wash day regimen that works for your texture.
- Use a mild shampoo. Products made specifically to help dry hair will have fewer drying detergents.
- Use a conditioner. Choose a moisturizing conditioner. It’ll keep hair cuticles lying flat so they hold in natural oils.
- Avoid alcohol. It dries out your hair, so choose hair products without it.
- Use natural oils. Massage hair with essential oils instead of fatty oils.
- Try a professional deep conditioning. If none of the options above helps, ask your stylist about this treatment.
- Trim split ends. They contribute to that frizzy look and feel. Removing them can make hair feel smoother.
- Take your vitamins (and minerals). Iron, vitamin D, folate, vitamin B12, and selenium can help keep your hair healthy.
content credit: WebMD