Terms and Conditions- Braiding Hair
The Braid Collection is Latched & Hooked®'s curated line of fun custom dyed synthetic textured braiding hair. What makes our hair different is in our formulation. We do not use toxic chemicals and we have found that 99% of our customers do not experience scalp irritation. However, we do not make any claims that our hair is itch-free and will not cause any irritation since each woman's ph balance is different you may have a different experience.
When our hair is dipped the hair will not turn "silky" our hair is textured and the way you receive it in the packaging is the texture you will get once dipped in hot water. For safety concerns we recommend that a licensed professional use hot water while dipping for at least 60 seconds.
Our braiding hair can be flat ironed, curled, blow dried and dipped. You can use our hair for individual braids, fulani feed in braids, locs, cornrows, individual twists, ponytails, crochet or any creative design you can imagine.
DO NOT MAKE A HAIR APPOINTMENT UNTIL YOU RECEIVE NOTIFICATION OF SHIPMENT. We are not responsible for missed appointments due to shipping.
*Please note that due to hair being hand dyed colors my vary slightly. Also if you choose to use products on our hair such as shampoo, mousse, oils etc this can effect the color used to dye the braiding hair and may bleed or fade while washing, swimming etc. Use your own discretion, however we are not responsible for the outcome.
We do not accept returns on hair extension products because of health restrictions. We do not offer refunds on pre-orders or custom items. We do not want any customer to receive a product that is put in your head knowing someone else could have touched it. If we make an error in your order please contact cs@latchedandhooked.com for assistance.