Pre-Stretched Braiding Hair
Pre-Stretched Braiding Hair
Pre-Stretched Braiding Hair
Pre-Stretched Braiding Hair
Pre-Stretched Braiding Hair
Pre-Stretched Braiding Hair
Pre-Stretched Braiding Hair
Pre-Stretched Braiding Hair

Pre-Stretched Braiding Hair

$ 13.99 USD 

Color Chart

Save your hairstylist and yourself time with our non-toxic pre-stretched braiding hair, great for all types of protective hair styles. The Pre-stretched hair is thinned out and tapered out the ends for a beautiful finish. Keep in mind these packs are not as full as our non pre-stretched braid hair and will require you to purchase 2-3 additional packs than we traditionally recommend for our non stretched braid hair. 

  •  Pre-stretched braiding hair comes in 20” and 26” lengths. 
  • textured and will not get silky when dipped in hot water
  • hair can be dipped in hot water with caution. We suggest a min of 60 seconds
  • 6 packs are enough for a full braid look *for best results consult your stylist.
  • All colors that are available in our non stretched selection is not available with our pre-stretched.

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